Collection of ideas about programming, screencasts, Ruby on Rails, and more.

Sometimes I come across something which wouldn't really make for a good episode of my screencasts, but I still want to share it with you.

Self Hosted Github Actions Runner

The spark of this blog post came from a tweet from DHH about the default Rails 8 having a Github Actions workflow.

Github Actions is a great tool for automating your workflows. It's built into Github and is free for public repositories. However, if...

Using Ansible to Update Kamal Servers

I've been using Kamal recently and it's been a great experience. It takes a lot of the headaches out of having to wait for a deployment to finish. Previously, I was hosting Drifting Ruby on AWS with Elastic Beanstalk. This was a great solution for...

Using SQLite in Production

So there is a recent push on using SQLite in production, but there's also little talks around the pros and cons of doing so. This article will try to cover the pros and cons of using SQLite in production.

To start, there's some value in asking ChatGTP...

Running Meilisearch

MeiliSearch is a powerful, fast, and easy-to-use search engine, perfect for developers who want to implement search functionality into their applications. In this blog post, we will walk you through the process of deploying MeiliSearch with SSL encryption...

Ruby 3.2.1 with YJIT

I've been using Ruby 3.2.1 + YJIT for some time now and overall, I'm seeing anywhere from 10-20% performance improvements over running Ruby 3.0.5. Sorry, I don't have an apple-to-apple comparison for just YJIT vs non-YJIT. However, the performance...

Pushing Code to Multiple Repositories with Git

Have you ever found yourself needing to publish your code to multiple repositories? Perhaps you have a static site hosted on Github Pages and want to have multiple domains point to it. Or maybe you manage multiple technology-related blogs and need...

Docker Builds are slow on M1

This is a neat Docker trick for those who have an ARM development machine (Apple M1), but sometimes need to build x86/amd64 images locally to push up to a registry.

Sure, having a CI/CD platform to do this is probably ideal, but for little programs...

Transferring Files

Sometimes we get into situations where we need to remotely transfer a file. This file could be large or it could be tiny. This file may be sensitive or could be of little importance. Regardless, sending this file over to a remote location could still...

Let's Encrypt Wildcard Cert

I'm writing this more as documentation for myself as I have several domains which I often use as playgrounds for certain things. This could be a kubernetes environment or a docker cluster where I have several applications deployed, but don't want to...

Best Developer Tools Trick

So to start, I am a Ruby person. I love Ruby and also Ruby on Rails. They are my language and framework of choice. However, like all things, over time the framework will evolve as well as the community.

With the evolution of Ruby on Rails over time...